
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Jita is a WHORE!

I don't normally go into Jita because it's a 20 minute trek from where I base myself. That said, the past few days have been really interesting as I have been paying more attention to the things happening around me in the hopes of finding things to blog about. I was not disappointed as a simple trip around high-sec provided more than enough craziness for  single blog. Let me start from the beginning...

I had just finished buying all projectile ammo BPO's from the Metropolis regional markets and was about to start picking them up and dropping them off at my warehouse when I noticed something strange in my asset list. I had 2 items in Jita. Now I was pretty sure that the last time I was there I had only left one item (because it was too much volume for me to transport) so I checked my stock to find 48 caldari destroyers that I had produced and placed a courier contract for had been delivered and were waiting for me to issue a sell order.

This was good news as I really wanted to get rid of these destroyers. In the month or so that they had been up for offer in Metropolis I had sold 2 compared to the 150 odd Thrashers I had sold in the same time-frame and region. So I was on my way to Jita to handle my business then return to consolidate my investment of ammo BPO's into one place, or so I had thought.

I've done the trip a few times before, but this time I was paying more attention to what was going on in the systems I was passing through. This frame of mind pretty much kicked in a few systems out of my base when I passed through 2 Sansha incursions which I rarely see, so I stopped a while to take stock of what was going on. The first system I went through only had 9 people and the control bar wasn't moving at all, but the second system had about 20 people in it and the gate I entered from was filled with wrecks. A quick glance at the control bar told me that Sansha was not only beating these capsuleers, but he was handing them their arses on a silver platter!

I didn't want to stick around to let Sansha's forces get a shot at me, so I continued my journey while enjoying the usual local chat. At one stage I apparently caught up to and was flying with a convoy of large freighters and their contingent of security ships. Seeing a large group moving around was new to me, so I enjoyed the sight even as my trusty little thrasher "Goose" overtook them and left them eating my stardust!

Jita was about as busy as it normally is when I'm there. About 1500 peeps doing their thing. I put my ships on the market and created a courier contract to transport my other item back to base. For some reason I decided to check out what kind of BPO's there was here. That's when I saw it. Something I have been  looking for for a while but could never find. An Orca BPO! I was stoked! I bought it instantly as I saw it as a good investment and now I am a bit more valuable to my corp. I had also brought BPO's for the Retriever mining barge (This is the kind of ship I mine in and I refuse to buy ships if I can build them myself) and the entire range of missiles and launchers.

It seems like every time I go to Jita I leave with a empty wallet and a giant smile on my face... and that's why I love her

Thank you Jita o/
Da Dom

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